Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and School Aged School

Divorce's Impact on Preschool, School-Age, and Adolescent Children Abstract This writing reviews current literature examining the impact of divorce on children in the context of family. The review encompasses ways divorce can be prevented and how un-prevented divorce can affect children of the specified ages. The ages of the children are outlined as preschool, school aged and adolescence. The impact on each group is different and considered. Ways to minimize the number of divorces is examined by outlining preventions on a state level.Recommendations for state established programs are made that would occur prior to marriage to prevent later iscommunications. In the face of unstoppable divorce it is important to understand how children can be helped to cope more effectively with divorce in context of future development. Divorce's impact on preschool, school-age, and adolescent children As divorce continues to be an option for marriage resolution it is important to take a look at how di vorce affects young children. Numerous studies have been done to prove the negative effects of divorce on children.This writing will examine those effects upon children of preschool, school, and adolescent aged children. It is mportant to understand the effects on children in terms of later development. Divorce affects both the custodial and non-custodial parent and their relationship with the child (ren). It effects how parents discipline their children and bond with their children. The negative effects of divorce could be avoided if divorce could be minimized. Minimizing divorce could prevent the negative long term effects of divorce on children.This writing will also take a look at how divorce can be minimized in order to circumvent negative effects on preschool, school and adolescent aged children. The impact of divorce on preschool, school aged and adolescent children needs to be understood in order to prevent long term emotional, mental, social and psychological issues later i n life. Preschool Preschool aged children generally marked from ages 4 to 5 years old have been found to have negative effects from divorce. Studies have engaged the personality traits of preschoolers to determine the impact of divorce . The main reference has been made to the attachment theory.This theory supports the idea that preschool children are affected by divorce emotionally . Attachment theory developed by John Bowlby is the bond between the child and the caregiver and plays a serious role in the developmental stages of growth. Preschoolers use their attachments as safety nets to depend on when exploring the world outside them. During the preschool years children will be attached to one or both parents and divorce causes an upset in that attachment. It has been documented that the attachment security is negatively impacted by divorce (Nair & Murray, 2005).The impact reflects mostly on the security of attachment. The preschool aged child exhibits behaviors of separation anxi ety and insecurity. It has been determined that negative effects to attachment will later become issues for older children . The preschool age children do not understand divorce but do understand that upset and the separation and may carry feelings of abandonment and fear of abandonment. Preschool children may feel if parents can divorce, then parents can divorce children. Preschool children are likely to feel responsible for the divorce and for the separated parents .Preschool children are effected by the custodial parents form of discipline, other children in the home, interaction with other children at school, relationships with teachers, and identifying ith self . All issues could develop into other negative elements later in growth. School Aged School aged children will handle divorce differently than preschoolers and will progress through successful with guidance. However, there are a few behaviors or effects that are characteristic and common of school aged children. Children at this age are affected behaviorally and psychological .These children tend to internalize the effects of divorce and think that the situation is caused by them. In turn they will think and act as if they have control over the situation. They will blame themselves or the divorce and will think they can get the parents back together if they behave. They will misbehave to get attention. They will act sick or experience true sickness in order to unite their parents. This stage is burdened with the responsibility of getting parents back together and will respond in ways to accomplish this mission . School aged children harbor fear of abandonment.The greatest effect on school aged children is not being able to see life past divorce. They are uncertain of the future and are confused about the roles to be played. This confusion will cause them o not want to participate at school and make up stories and act out Just to get attention. The combination of the change in parental separation, p arenting style, and parental coping skills leads them to behave in unexpected and uncharacteristic ways . These behaviors left unaddressed can lead into greater issues in adolescence. Adolescent The impact of divorce on adolescence can run deep and wide.Adolescence is affected behaviorally, socially, and psychologically. Children at this age are already experiencing socio-emotional changes and hormonal changes adding divorce can be a recipe for disaster. Since these children are more independent and self-functional the risk are higher for negative behaviors. Adolescence is a time for individualism and self-expression. The negative effects are displayed outwardly. Examples of adolescent behaviors include disobedience, failing school, and legal activities. During the time of divorce adolescence are confused, upset and angry.The anger drives the adolescent to participate in negative behaviors. They will be more upset with one parent over the other. The way they relate to others and get along with others will be dramatically attected The entire socialization process can be damaged nd without proper guidance could last well into the adult years . Divorce The negative effects of divorce become obvious after discussion. The greatest effects fall upon the children. Divorce is seen as a resolution to a bad marriage. Divorce is occurring more often and with the involvement of children. Preschool, school aged, and adolescence children can be more affected than adults.The emotional, behavioral, social and psychological effects of divorce are factors of development in life. Taking a proactive approach to divorce could alleviate and circumvent the negative effects on children. With divorce being the number one resolution to a bad marriage coming up with innovative and creative ways to prevent divorce can be difficult. Preventing divorce falls can be done with extending the process of marriage and educating the public before and during the marriage. In order to prevent divor ce the state could become more involved with the process of marriage .In the majority of states the process of marriage involves purchasing a marriage license and standing before a clerk or planning a wedding. It does not take much to get married. If the state were to take more interest in those who are equesting a marriage license and provide mandatory education to those apply, it could decrease the number of divorces. Greater involvement could go as far as outlining the marriage and discussing issues like parenting, education, work and career as well as sexual expectations . These are elements of a marriage that are not always discussed but could be the primary targets for divorce.In order to prevent divorce the state could mandate education and mentoring at various levels of a marriage. Prior to getting the state license for marriage the state could required counseling and educational classes about what to expect in marriage ife. Couples could discuss expectations and needs. Coup les could be mentored by other couples in order to learn healthy ways of communicating and resolving conflict. If a marriage is seemingly in trouble and headed for divorce, the state could mandate marriage counseling and education on healthier ways of resolving conflict.If the marriage is not salvageable then pre-counseling could be provided for divorce. The process of divorce could be discussed and when children are involved they could be included in the counseling in order to help them adjust prior to the change . Coping Until such measures could be mandated or implemented helping children to cope positively with the changes of divorce is a necessity. The social, emotional, behavioral and psychological effects of divorce despite the age of impact could affect the remaining stages of development when not positively adjusted.This writer is of the opinion that in order to help children cope they need to be involved in the process. Counseling the children about what divorce means, wha t to expect, and how things will change is an important element in divorce. Helping children to understand what is going on and what to expect. Children would have a better understanding of how divorce should affect them. It is important for children to know they are not responsible for the divorce and that parents still love them.It would also be helpful to have the children attend a group with other similar aged children to discuss the effects of divorce and how each one is coping. This would allow the chi Idren to gain support and realize they are not alone in the way that they feel. This would be a facilitated group where the facilitator could direct the discussion and help the children to identify with how they are feeling and work hrough the emotions and ideas. As a professional counselor I would be able to help each party involved by being available for open discussion as well as education. I would meet with the parties individually and as a group.I would inform the parents a bout the well-being of the children and make suggestions for family discussion. I would encourage both parents to have discussion with the child(ren) outside of counseling in order to gain the child's trust and help them to see that because the family is splitting up it is all about the parents and not the child(ren). Conclusion The impact of divorce on preschool, school aged and adolescence is emotional, behavioral, social and psychological. These effects cause issues involving healthy separation, self-esteem, and the development through the stages of growth.In younger children the effects of divorce are more psychological and effect the attachment of the child and the primary caregiver as well as self confidence to explore the world beyond self. The school aged children internalize the process and the conflict and seemingly take on the responsibility of putting the parents back together. Adolescents can fall into negative and illegal behaviors. These issues can be avoided by minim izing the number of divorces. This could be done with state involvement to mandate the process and the education of marriage.The mandates should take place before certification for marriage is approved and if necessary during the divorce process. As a counselor this writer would be available to see families through the process of education during conflict and counseling for family and individual children if entering the divorce process. Ulitimately understanding the impact of divorce on children is necessary in order to help children to cope and move ast emotions related to the process of divorce so they do not interfere in the stage development of the child.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Buddhism & History

Buddhism is a spiritual practice that leads to insight true nature of life It’s a practice of mind developing like the awareness ,kindness and wisdom. The history of transformation of Japanese marriage and kinship over the course of Hein (794-1185) and Kamakura (1185-1333). The role of Buddhist funerary and memorial rituals in creation. Graveyards have been deserted and lonely places were known as such, yet there is something inappropriate in this. In the beginning of the eleventh century we find no evidence of such resident grave tenders.In the later periods,  the development of more permanent stone markers for graves, the burial became a site of worship. It became the place to define a family group and strengthen the bond of kinship. The preservation of bones and the development of maintained, regularly visited grave are indicators of the signification of Japanese kinship practices that took place through the medium of Buddhist death ritual and memorial practice. The langu age of kinship and gender of the Chinese ritual has changed the Japanese family. The introduction of Chinese Buddhist ideas about the postmortem lives of families had ramifications for many generations of men and women to come.Women in Japan were not always temporary members of the families of their birth. The women kept their family names after marriage. A daughter would leave their family to become a wife and a mother with the family which she would come to be identified. At death she would join the family lineage as the consort of father-cum-ancestor and genetrix link of the present link of the patrilineal link. It was Buddhist rituals that shape family links. The burial of daughters with their father’s represents the continuing indispensability of women in the avuncular politics. They died as their father’s daughter’s and buried amongpartrilineal relatives, their bones revered ancestral relics by the children and grandchildren of their brother. In addition t o age restrictions, Japan also prohibits close relatives from getting married. This is a very common marriage rule that is held by many modern nations. Close relatives include blood relatives, step relatives and adoptive relatives. However, the period of most intense preoccupation with. Keeping daughter’s' bone’s â€Å"in the family† ironically marked the initial entrenchment of agnatic, or partrilineal, principles of descent in Japan. The posthumous divorce was common in mayareas in Japan. This was the custom was that the most women commit suicide or had failed to produced male children was sent back to her natal family. This act signifies severing of ties with the dead women and responsibilities for her funeral rite, burial and memorial services back onto her family that had raised her. The idea of married woman belongs to their husbands and sons comes as no surprises. The memorial practices gathered by the Japanese folklorist in the twentieth century reveal a great deal of regional variation. Japanese kinship system daughters leaves their families to live and die.The idea that a daughter should stay with her father came to apply to final place as it had to marriage residence. By the end of the Murumachi period, the women lived by their husband’s people. Ancestor consciousness in Japan is very weak. Only with the importation of the concept of lineage from the Korean Peninsula does the history of ancestor worship begun. Reference : â€Å" The Early Stages In The Development of Group Descent of Organization,† in Kinship Organization in Late Imperial China, ed. Patricia Ebrey and James Watson( Berkely University of California Press, 1986) 16-61

Monday, July 29, 2019

In this paper, I argue that our government ought not redistribute Essay

In this paper, I argue that our government ought not redistribute wealth - Essay Example Governments will normally utilize two types of methods to redistribute wealth. These are the use of vouchers, for instance, food stamps, and the use of subsidies (Hochschild 13). These programs that aim at transfering payment can be funded through such initiatives such as general taxation, which has a disproportionate benefit for those in poverty and others who are expected to pay fewer taxes. Persons who benefit from these programs sometimes prefer to be given money directly, although, some more palatable forms of redistribution may be put, in place, to control the expenditure from these funds. In this paper, I intend to use Nozick’s argument to argue that the governmnent ought not to redistribute wealth. In his article, Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick builds his argument against John Rawl’s argument in his article A Theory of Justice, going on to reject what he refers to as liberal egalitarianism and instead plumping for pure libertarianism. He derives his i deas from the ideology of Lockean that places emphasis on one’s natural rights to property, liberty, and life (Nozick 45). There is now logical manner in which these rights are liable to revocation. In this sense, any constraints or violations on the individual’s rights and liberty are immoral, especially if done without consent. Only those acts that come about through voluntary means by every party involved without infringing on the natural rights of other parties are just. In addition, those governments that aid poor citizens in wealth redistribution from those who are wealthier do so via unjust means. Indeed, these governments are upsetting the very course of action they are attempting to put in place. Wealth redistribution by the government is not a voluntary process and, as such, is not just and, therefore, must not be allowed (Nozick 50). Nozick’s ideas on libertarianism are reflective of the idea that human beings, as rational beings, should practice self -ownership. Borrowing from Immanuel Kant’s work from his article Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Nozick presents one imperative that makes necessary the idea that individuals should respect their rational nature and that of the other people. Using man as a way of satisfying the desires of other people, as well as those of oneself, is a violation of the rational nature present in humans (Nozick 71). This nature gives an individual inherent dignity, which could undergo forfeiture if this person’s only use is as a means to an end. Rational beings are able to enjoy self-ownership inclusive of their labor, abilities, abilities, talents, and body, as well as that existing as a direct result of their labor, abilities, and talents. Wealth results from the labor of an individual in accordance to the thesis of self-ownership with a person entitled to wealth for which they have labored. Wealth redistribution causes people to renounce whatever rights they held over their wealth (Nozick 72). Nozick’s entitlement theory, more specifically, argues against wealth redistribution by the government. It establishes that a person can legitimately attain ownership of property through three ways that are just. These are legitimate holdings transferred legitimately and through voluntary consent, acquiring holdings that had previous ownership, as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Historical profile for an auction catalogue Assignment

Historical profile for an auction catalogue - Assignment Example Impressionism is the name given to a style of painting in France at the end of the 19th century. The Impressionists were not a formal artistic group as such, more a collective of artists seeking recognition for their innovative techniques and approach to using colour in art.1 The painting depicts four poplar trees standing tall on the banks of the river. Their shadow is seen in the water below. The entire painting has several hues of colours and a vivid use of light is also seen. It is said that Monet preferred to paint this painting from the middle of the river rather than sitting on one bank and painting what is seen on the other side. Monet made the trees slender and allowed them to reach to the end of the canvas. We do not see the top of the trees in the painting. It is because of the impressionist style to paint the moment capturing it as it is. One must appreciate that impressionist painting catch the movement of the moment. The use of brush strokes is small and unfinished in impressionist paintings. In this painting as well we see small strokes of brush creating the bushy impact of the river bank. The slenderness of the tree barks seems exaggerated. The best brush strokes however are the leaves of the trees. Irrespective of the hue blue background the leaves stand out in colour. Poplar trees are tall and slender. Only the bank of the river painted with the grass and bushes separates the reflection of the trees from the trees themselves. The small and unfinished brush strokes also give dense appearance to the grass on the bank and the leaves of the trees. The brush has effectively captured the movement of wind which is seen in the reflection of the trees in water. The simple strokes have created the movement of refection due to wind on water. This movement of wind is the perfect example of impressionist style of painting. Impressionist paintings capture the movement of nature, people etc. Even in the st ill paintings one can see the effects of

Business management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Business management - Essay Example On the other hand behavioral theory argues out that any individual who can adopt a behavior that is appropriate can be considered to be a good leader. Behaviors could be learned in an easier manner than traits making the leaders to access all behaviors. As opposed to the trait theory that believes that all leaders may be born, behavioral theory argues out that leaders may not be born. The process of leadership can be learned thus not automatic. Different leaders are made through hard work and efforts. The behavioral theory argues out that managers’ potential of leadership can be could be trained to leadership that is effective thus leadership needs to be combined together with management so as to obtain significant outcome. In this regard, the theories of behavior are based on the idea that leaders are normally made instead being born. With this basis, the theory of behaviourism focus on the leaders actions instead of traits. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that facilitates morale, performance, and motivation of the followers by using various mechanisms. The first mechanism include having the follower’s identity and self sense connected towards the project and an organization’s identity. The second mechanism is challenging the followers for them to assume a great working ownership. The third mechanism involves serving as a role model of the followers hence inspiring them and boosting their interest. The last mechanism involves getting to know the weaknesses and the strengths of the followers for the leader to align the followers with tasks for enhancement of their performance. An organization that will call for transformational leadership is an organization whose workers need their needs to be addresses, for them to rise beyond self interest for the organizational sake. This is an organization whose workers have a consciousness level considered as below the optimal level o f the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Barbara Ehrenreichs Pathologies of Hope Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Barbara Ehrenreichs Pathologies of Hope - Essay Example Barbara Ehrenreich was targeting the audience of the Harper Magazine. This is a magazine that has covers a literate audience. It reaches both the educated and the general population. This audience recognizes the power of hope in life. This is because hope is embraced in different areas in the society. The organization of the essay reflects what I am doing with the controlling purpose. The essay begins with an overview of the general understanding of hope. Second, the essay summarizes Barbara Ehrenreich’s understanding of hope as presented in this article. Furthermore, examples are used to control the purpose. Also evidences from the article on how the author views hope are given supported with quotes. Finally, a conclusion is given in the author’s position on hope. For example, the author provides a scenario in which negative thoughts are of help than hope. In making the essay be built on evidence, there is the use of direct quotes. The quotes are from the article to in dicate an understanding and interpretation of the article. The quotes changed through the revision process. They were reduced to ensure that the number of words for the essay was reached. The use of quotes was used in making the essay more reliable because they supplemented the opinions and helped reduce wordiness. Finally, some quotes were paraphrased in the revision process to ensure that plagiarism is avoided and that new opinions are adopted. The author strategy of using life examples in criticizing hope is outstanding.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case Study on Ontology Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Case Study on Ontology Languages - Essay Example 20/Jul/2006 J B Conrad Semantic web creation DAML+OIL: J B Conrad Semantic Web Creation May OWL: Comparison of the...While these languages represent the specifications for the Ontology, they do not represent the real programming languages that are employed like CycL, Ontolingua, F-Logic, etc., 1. XML: This uses a standard syntax laid down already by the W3C. The code is crisp and easy to write. The DTD can be defined the way it is required. However, this does not offer the flexibility of defining standard classes and then making use of the similar structure repeatedly. XML is easy to use in a program though of course, creating XML data which will have semantics in them is not possible with the existing structure of XML. 2. XOL on the other hand, offers all those features that are present in XML as well as in OIL. XOL employs modelling primitives that are in line with OKBC standards. This is based on XML and uses Ontologies to extend the features. Therefore, it is found that the language is supporting some of the insufficiencies in XML like standard class definition and other structure definitions. With these, the data gets verified and the mistakes in the data are avoided. In addition to these, this also supports extensive slot hierarchies. But however, it does not allow definition of relationships extensively. This makes it a weak relationship modeller. XOL is comfortable where only data is to be represented without any major relationship criterion which is hard to find in knowledge systems. 3.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assess the future prospects for British banks Essay

Assess the future prospects for British banks - Essay Example banks provide extremely good value for customers unlike in other countries where customers pay both to have bank account and for the services they use whereas in U.K. banks, they provide free banking including access to free debit card, free access to ATM’S, free use of cheques, internet banking etc. Their charges are transparent and are advised to customers when they open the account. Banks generally publish their tariff charges also. London is both home to the world headquarters of the major British banks, and the host to major trading activities of both US and Continental European banks. London today is with 264 foreign banks and has 20 % of international bank lending. So it becomes the largest center for cross border banking. British banks account for 5 of the worlds top 20 by market capitalization, while there are 7 in the rest of Europe, 6 in America, and the remaining 2 are Japanese (Smallwood, 2005). The development of a number of world-class British-based banks successes is based on their own competitiveness, and not on any degree of government subvention or protection. A consequence of this is that London is, and is likely to remain for at least some appreciable time, the most international of capital market centers. The UK accounts for 60 per cent of primary international bond trading, and 70 per cent of secondary. There are more companies listed on the London Stock Exchange than on either the New York or Tokyo exchanges. In the OTC derivatives market, the UK accounts for over 40 per cent of global trade, compared with 24 per cent for the US, 10 per cent for France, and 3 per cent for Germany. Our fund management and insurance industries are both the third largest in the world, behind those of the US and Japan. The good news is the present strength of banks: a high level of profitability, strong levels of capital, and risk management, which has

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MGMT 670 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGMT 670 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The acquisition of Salomon in the year 1998 was done with an aim, so that Adidas could get a market of the diversified type of sporting goods that were manufactured by Salomon. The restructuring of sporting goods of the Adidas Company was further done with the acquisition of the Reebok Company in 2006 by which, the company felt that it would get wider market coverage, since Reebok was specializing in the areas of the athletic footwear, golf equipments as well as the footwear and apparel markets. (Reuters) Adidas felt that by such a kind of restructuring process done by means of acquisition, the company could make a huge impact in its business, since it would be able to get the market shares, which are enjoyed by the companies that were acquired. This would in turn help the company to face the threat of cutthroat competition from Nike and at the same time would increase its sales and help it to regain the top spot in the sporting goods business. This was the main idea behind the acqui sitions and the Adidas management thought this to be the fitting reply to Nike. The corporate strategy of Adidas can be truly rated as a good one, since the European company had to get the market share of US which it had lost to its rival Nike. ... (Reuters) The Acquisition of Salomon and its products Adidas acquired Salomon in the year 1998 since the company was manufacturing a variety of sports goods products. This acquisition was done to make Adidas to overcome Nike and become the number one sports goods manufacturing company. But once the acquisition was underway the industry dealing with the winter sports was showing a decline, since it was becoming less attractive among individuals and this could really affect the prospects of Adidas. After the acquisition it was seen that, there were some difficulties that cropped up in integrating both the companies. It was only after a span of about five years from acquisition that, Adidas started to regain its share value in the sports market. The Salomon business unit also contributed only very less to the total operating profits of Adidas and this was a further blow to the company, since it had expected a very good operating profit. As a result the overall financial performance of A didas did not show any sort of improvement even after the acquisition. The golf division of the Taylor made Adidas products also struggled a lot to make profits initially ever since the acquisition. As a result of this Adidas divested almost all of its winter sports brands to the Amer sports corporation in the year 2005. (Mike) The Acquisition of Reebok and its products In the year 2006 Adidas acquired the Reebok Company with an idea to make its presence felt in the athletic footwear and apparel as well as the golf market. The Reebok international company already was involved in the designing as well as the sales of the apparels, footwear as well as hockey equipments for Greg Norman, Rockport and CCM respectively. Thus through

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wall-E Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Wall-E - Essay Example As far as humans are concerned, they left the earth many hundred years ago and exist in human spaceship sitting on floating chairs and talking to each other through videophones without any curiosity of passing time. The movie shows the love relationship between Wall-E and EVE and their love affair is similar to human beings. With their love relationship, they enable the human beings to return to earth, as it is their joint effort to let the captain of the spaceship and others to witness a sprouting plant showing the sign of life on earth. Wall-E considers himself incomplete without EVE and understands about his power and ability to exist and help others based on his love relationship. The movie has very less dialogues, but the characters give the message through portrayal of emotions and feelings through facial expressions. Even robots are successful in delivering their motives through their facial expressions. Wall-E works continuously and because of working for so long, he considers himself lonely and friendless. He befriends an insect initially and later on, when EVE comes, he starts chasing her and shows his love for her. He finds EVE quite changed and different as compared to himself. Wall-E seems as a human character showing all the traits of human beings, for example, he needs friends, he regards himself lonely, he gets tired, he loves EVE, he loves watching the movie, â€Å"Hello Dolly† and he has a personality. Likewise, the character of EVE also shows human emotions, feelings and a personality. With his relationship with EVE, Wall-E knows about his strength of exercising his free will. Previously, he used to work endlessly for removing the trash, but he rejects the very duty of clearing the trash and moves with EVE to the spaceship. After reaching the spaceship, Wall-E enables EVE to reach the spaceship captain to deliver the plant, which is indicative of life on earth. In their attempt to reach to the captain, EVE

Monday, July 22, 2019

Normative ethics Essay Example for Free

Normative ethics Essay 1. Identify the facts that might give rise to ethical issues 2. Stakeholders that you would talk to in the task you are the chief ethics officer (CEO) describe company that you’re working in IT related. As a CEO, come out with guidelines about the ethical use according to the scenario 3. any laws (maltese laws), if the scenario is not covered in laws (use laws of an EU country or any country) 4. identify the ethical issues conflict between what it is that you’re supposed to be doing and what the law provides if there is no law, that doesn’t mean that it is in favour of the law Everything up till now should be OBJECTIVE nobody should assign any moral values to these issues. This isn’t an assignment about how you feel (not your opinion) wasting words. Draft guidelines about ethical issues focus on important guidelines 5. Define ethical theory ethical egoism, virtue ethics u emm ohra (do not use!! ) an umbrella theory many subdivisions or else choose between two main theories. Use your own words to describe the ethical theory 6. Start the analysis. Explain what sort of priority. Why is it an ethical issue. What the outcome should be and why that outcome (longest section) 7. Point 7 and 8. If you were doing these in the real world†¦adjust the rules after some time†¦. define consequences 8. How you will implement feedback loop Stick to steps given. Break essay into these sections. Scenario 1 read google agreements provide URL of terms and conditions privacy policy privacy and information lecture ethical issue EU has a position on it. Scenario 2 game AI your company has legal right to acquire that data come up with guidelines for collection of samples no. of companies providing information Scenario 3 google glass ex: when it is ethical when the glasses should be removed? when they sould be used? how? Come up with company doesn’t have to be IT related comply with laws guidelines for ethical issues facts: how many companies in malta use google cloud, where google stores its data? as long as the subject cannot be identified, it is ethical consequentialism.

What is a myth Essay Example for Free

What is a myth Essay It is a traditional story based on ancient beliefs of different communities and having supernatural explanations of facts or natural phenomena. The mythical story is related to religious beliefs, for that reason, has a ritual character, ie presents invariable elements and is distinguished by its durability. The purpose of myth is not to entertain, as with the story, but to explain the meaning of life. So there are certain subjects such as the origin of man and the universe, which are treated in the myths of all cultures. The myth responds to a particular way of seeing the world and to explain the phenomena that exist in it. Unlike science, which gives rational and logical explanations to these phenomena, the myth gives explanations mà ³gicas and somewhat fantastic. For this reason, events occur absurd myths, magic solutions exist and appear fabulous characters. The fact that different communities have similar concerns led to the creation of myths about the same phenomena in different cultures. In the myth of Phaeton these aspects are reflected in the following manner: Phenomenon: The origin of deserts and of the black race. Made fantastic: Phaeton driving the chariot of the sun to prove its divine origin. Universality: The phenomenon, how it is explained and the characters are repeated with some different characteristics in myths of other communities. Classification of myths beind coded contents: Cosmogenic: explain the creation of the world. Theogonic: explain the origin of the gods.   Antropogà ³nicos: explain the appearance of man Etiological: explain political, religious and social. Morales: Explain ethical principles opposites like good and evil, angels and demons. Features According to Mircea Eliade, myth is a sacred story that chronicles an event that happened during primeval time, in which the world had not yet stood. The events of the periodically recurring nature are explained as a result of the events narrated in the myth (for example, in Greek mythology the cycle of seasons is explained from the abduction of Persephone). However, not all myths refer to a time first also can address occurring after the origin, but distinguished by their importance and the changes they brought. In the view of Claude Levi-Strauss, structuralist anthropologist, every myth has three characteristics: †¢ This is an existential question concerning the creation of the earth, death, birth and the like. †¢ consists of irreconcilable opposites: creation vs destruction, life against death, gods against men or good vs. evil. †¢ provides the reconciliation of these poles in order to avert our anguish. For its part, the anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski argued that no important aspect of life that is alien to the myth. Therefore, there are religious myths (such as the birth of the gods), politicians (such as the founding of Rome) or on particular issues (why corn became the main food of a people, as with the pre-Hispanic peoples of Mexico ). For Malinowski fundamental myths are narratives, while responding to the basic questions of human existence: reason to exist, because of what surrounds it, between otras.Malinowski also clarified that the myth of the order of beliefs and if it is an explanation, not a rational explanation, but cultural. Function of Myth Functions are multiple myths. However, in general, can accept three essential functions: explanatory and pragmatic meaning. The explanatory function refers to the myths explain, justify or develop the origin, purpose and because of some aspect of social or individual, for example, the Greek myth that tells how the world originated from Chaos or Genesis that says the birth of the woman from the rib of a man. The pragmatic function of myth implies that myths are the basis of certain social structures and actions as well, a myth can make a genealogical line and determine who can govern or not. With this feature, specify and justify myths why a situation is in a certain way and not another. The role of meaning refers to that myths are not just stories that provide explanations or political justifications also provide a comfort, calm life goal or individuals, so it is with myths that speak of death, suffering or victory therefore, the myths are stories away from the person, but function a s a handle existential, a motive, according to the American psychoanalyst, Rollo May. The three functions are usually combined steadily. Types of Myths We distinguish several kinds of myths: †¢ cosmogonic myths: attempt to explain the creation of the world. Are the most universally widespread and there is a greater amount. Often, lies the origin of the earth in a primordial ocean. Sometimes, a race of giants, like the Titans, plays a crucial role in this creation, in this case, such giants, which are usually demigods, are the first people on earth. †¢ Myths theogonic: tell the origin of the gods. For example, Athena comes armed from the head of Zeus. †¢ anthropogenic Myths: narrating the appearance of human beings, who can be created from any material, alive (a plant, an animal) or inert (dust, mud, clay, etc..). The gods taught to live on earth. Usually linked to the cosmogonic myths. †¢ Myths etiological explain the origin of beings, things, techniques and institutions. †¢ moral Myths: explain the existence of good and evil. †¢ Foundational Myths: tell how the cities were founded by the will of the gods. An example is the founding of Rome by two twins, Romulus and Remus, who were suckled by a she-wolf. †¢ Myths eschatological: announce the future, the end of the world. They still have wide audience. These myths include two major classes, depending on the element that causes the destruction of the world: water or fire. They are often linked to astrology. The imminent end is announced by a higher frequency of eclipses, earthquakes, and all sorts of natural disasters that terrorize humans. The classic example is the Apocalypse, considered as such by Bertrand Russell.1 Reading literal, allegorical and symbolic While myths appear to have been originally proposed as literally true stories, the dialectic between the worlds mythical explanation and philosophical and scientific development has favored non-literal readings of myth, according to which they should not be subject to belief, but interpretation. Thus the allegorical reading of myths, born in Greece in the Hellenistic period, proposes to interpret the gods as personifications of natural elements. This commitment finds its continuation in later theories, such as widespread in the nineteenth century by Max Mà ¼ller, whereby myths stories stem from misunderstood about the sun, which has been personified, becoming an anthropomorphic (the hero or sun god). Reading symbolic believes the myth contains accurate content, but not on what is apparently, but on the mental contents of its creators and users. Thus, the myth about a god instituted the week to create the world in seven days contains truthful about how society divided the time it was created and which divisions between the inanimate and the animate, the different types of animals and man etc.. Myths also contain useful guidelines for behavior: role models or avoid all known stories with which to relate individual experiences. Modern studies on the myth fall into three basic positions: †¢ the functionalist, developed by the anthropologist Malinowski examines what myths are used in everyday life (behavior reinforcement, argument from authority, etc.). †¢ structuralist, initiated by Levi-Strauss, examines the construction of myths locating contrary or complementary elements that appear in it and how they are related; †¢ the symbolism, which has classical references in Jung, Bachelard and Gilbert Durand, believes that the key element of the myth is a symbol, a tangible item but full of resonance or significance that refers to archetypal contents of the human psyche. (An example is the Child archetype Elder, contradictory figure who appears as a character in appearance or behavior longtime child-like Merlin or a baby or child who is capable of speaking and endowed with vast knowledge, typical of an old-the baby Jesus lecturing to doctors.) Difference between myth and other stories Often myth is often confused with other types of stories as tales, fables and legends. However, are not equal. There are several differences between myth and folk tale: while the stories are presented as fictions, myths are presented as true stories. Function also varies: the myth is essentially etiological (clear how they came to a certain situation, why the sea is salty or man is mortal, for example), while the values ​​transmitted folktale (better skill than strength, good always has its reward, the impostor is always open, etc..). In addition, the plot of the stories is usually simple, while myths are part of a complex, in which each story is connected with the other by recurrent characters, places, etc.. (So, for example, the story of Jason is related to myths about Heracles, as this is one of the Argonauts). The fables myths differ from the characters (those fables are animals human conduct the myths, gods, heroes and monsters) and by function (fables contain a moral message, which usually appears at the end collected of them as moral, while myths are etiological). As for the legends, are presented, as well as myths, like true stories and often have a causal role (used, for example, to explain how a lineage came to power, which underpins its political legitimacy), but Unlike myths, happening in real time, historic places recognized by the listener or reader, and often with real actors (cf. the legends of Charlemagne or El Cid). The same pattern may appear in a myth, a story or legend, depending on how you present the story (true or fictional) and what your role (etiological, educational, entertainment ). Thus, noted how the plot of the Oedipus myth reappears in the medieval legend of Judas Iscariot makes a murderer of his father who marries without knowing his mother.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Public Attitudes Towards Asylum Seekers Sociology Essay

Public Attitudes Towards Asylum Seekers Sociology Essay Immigrant Killer, Paedo Asylum Seeker, Asylum perv. Just three examples from the 1415 asylum and immigration articles reported in The Sun from 2003 to 2007. Is it any wonder that the general publics opinions on such issues are generally very prejudice. In 1951, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established by the Refugee Convention, which gave a definition of a refugee. It states that a refugee is someone who is outside the country of their nationality, and is unable to, or unwilling to, avail themselves to the protection of that country due to a fear of being persecuted because of associations with race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion (UNHCR 2001-2013a). Although often confused, an asylum seeker is in contrast, someone who says they are a refugee but their claim for asylum has not yet been definitively evaluated. Therefore they are someone who is seeking asylum/refuge but their status is not yet confirm ed (UNHCR 2001-2013b). The mass media creates panic amongst the public through the false or misleading stories which cast asylum seekers in a negative light. The mass media industry is one of the most powerful sources of providing information on a large scale, and has been utilised throughout history as a tool to appeal to large public audiences. Eldridge (1997, p65) states that The media, wittingly or unwittingly, reproduces the definitions of the powerful. Suggesting that the media feeds information to the public making society believe what the powerful bodies what them to believe. However, there is a shared relationship between newspapers and their audiences. This means that the papers report on what they assume the people think, supporting and reinforcing general attitudes on strong issues. This in turn sets off a chain reaction where escalation of reflection and enhancement buries the truth and reality under myth and prejudice. Cohen (1972) coined the term Moral Panic to which he describes the media a s causing extra or unwarranted worry to society about particular values and principles that may already be a turning the issue into a national catastrophe. Cohen (1972, p9) describes the features of a moral panic to be a condition, episode, person or group of persons who become defined as a threat to societal values and interests. This essay will look at the moral panics created by the media towards the issue of immigration and asylum seekers and assess the extent to which public attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees are a reflection of negative and hostile media reportings of migration issues. An interest in public attitudes towards immigration, asylum seekers and refugees has been around for several decades. However, Finney and Peach (2004) argues that it wasnt until the immigration dispersal policy was put in place in 2000, and the introduction of policies for accommodation centres, that a concern for public attitudes was amplified. Jowell and Airey (1984) suggest that the first survey on social attitudes in the UK came from the 1983 British Social Attitudes Survey. It was launched to collect attitudes on social, economic, political and moral issues including race and immigration, in the UK. From this report Airey (1984) found that there was a considerable amount of opposition in the UK in the 1980s towards ethnic minorities and race differences, with 60% of participants wanting less Asian and Black settlers, 90% believed there was racial discrimination in Britain against these two categories. Surprisingly 40% of people described themselves as being intolerant towards et hnic minorities. Young (1992) found that the 1994 British Social Attitudes Survey produced similar results. For example 60% of respondents still wanted less Asian and Black immigration throughout the 1990s.This is supported by results found in the 2011 British Social Attitudes Survey, 75% of respondents wanted a reduction in immigration overall and 51% wanting a large reduction in immigration (Park et el, 2012, p26). However, Crawley (2005) states that surveys such as this, often assume that the public have some level of knowledge about the issue. When in fact misleading questions may ill inform the public and therefore disfigure their attitudes on asylum seekers and refugee issues. The amplification of the interest in immigration and asylum may reflect the actual increase in the number of immigrants entering the UK. As the net flow of migrants into Britain over the last 15 years being the largest in British history, (Park et al, 2012, p26) but the increase in media coverage is huge ly disproportionate to the numbers of immigrants coming into the country. Public attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees are a reflection of negative and hostile media reporting of migration issues, especially when those media sources are mainstream television broadcasters. Prime examples of how the media represents public attitudes is the 2001, Channel 4 programme named Bloody Foreigners. The Andrew Smith production investigated British attitudes towards asylum seekers and Immigrants living and working in the UK. (n.d) summarises the production as, an exposà © of the culture of how asylum seekers are physically and verbally abused on a daily basis due to pretence of xenophobia. Programmes such as this reflect and reinforce the hostility and attitudes of the British public toward asylum seekers and immigrants. By broadcasting such programmes the media is not only displaying existing negativities of public attitudes, it also encourages other members of the public to obtain these views which are becoming ever increasingly antag onistic. Public attitudes are often negative and hostile towards asylum seekers, due to the little amount of research that has been done to inform the public about how the complex asylum system works, and how issues surrounding asylum and immigration receive no compassion or sympathy. Reputable broadcasters such as the BBC try to report on the facts to try and make the public aware of what happens in the Asylum process and how Asylum Seekers and immigrants feel and are treated. This is particularly shown on the BBCs Asylum day in July 2003. The BBC ran several programmes including face the nation. On this programme Beverley Hughes, the minister for asylum and immigration at the time, faced the nation to debate some of the issues raised on the day (BBC News Online, 2003a). This programme brought out some very conflicting opinions from the public on the issues of Asylum and immigration. One such opinion is I am appalled by the way that some sections of our press demonise asylum seekers when the y themselves have not suffered the terrible hardships that these people have gone through. (Haworth, 2003). An extreme conflicting argument was expressed by Colemen (2003) How dare you allow these people in to our country? How dare you let them exploit our failing NHS? How dare you allow them to exploit our benefits system?. These two conflicting opinions show the difficulty and complexity of the public in understanding a complex issue. You the judge was another programme broadcasted. This depicted an interactive programme where audiences stepped into the roles of immigration officials to discuss real life immigration cases. However, it was argued by the immigration officer Minister Beverly Hughes that this programme turned the issue of asylum into a gameshow (BBC News Online, 2003b), making the asylum process more of a way to entice audiences rather than actually trying to educate the public of how complex the process can be. The most controversial programme aired on the day, was a panorama special The Asylum game. Where reporters posed as immigrants to see what happens as they pass through the complicated asylum process. The report details the reasons why there are so many people seek asylum in the UK and how and why the UK system is flawed and cannot cope with them (BBC news online, 2003c). The home secretary at the time of this broadcast, David Blunkett, accused the panorama programme as uncritically using claims from the right-ring anti-immigration pressure group, Migration Watch (BBC news online, 2003d). This suggests the BBC didnt take into account the reasons behind the complexities considering why things appeared to be flawed and just reported on figures. News papers and online news sources can also be a reflection of negative and hostile public attitudes. One such online source is the BBC. The BBC is known for displaying the accurate facts on certain issues in a way that attracts the attention of the reader. The headlines expressed, regard immigration as a real world issue, rather than influencing the public to create false perceptions around immigration issues. Headlines such as Romania Rejects British Scrounger Stereotype (BBC News, Morris, 2013) and Boston Protest Held over Immigration Levels (BBC News, 2012), do not use emotive language to draw the reader in. They simply state what has happened and then go on to further report the incidents in more detail within the article. In a further article Asylum seeker Assaulted on Plane During Deportation (BBC News, Eckleford, 2013), an account of the injuries through an interview with the victim is reported, but no conclusions about what happened and why are stated. It simply reports tha t several agencies were being involved and investigating the incident. Other liberal newspaper sources e.g. The Guardian express a balanced stance on issues of asylum seekers and refugees, in order to present their audience with the facts. The Guardian tends to report on the politics side of immigration, issues that are causing government concern leading to policy changes. Headlines such as David Cameron: Justice for all unless youre an immigrant (Jowit, 2013a) draws the attention of the reader, and in the article goes onto say that legal support and aid will be axed from April 2013 and a revision of other systems, housing, health and benefit will stop Britain being a Soft touch when it comes to immigration issues. This could be seen as a purely political move in order to keep voters happy, as the media have always implied that Britain is too soft when it comes to immigration issues. This is an example of where the media can not only influence public attitudes but can influence policy making at state level too. Negative and hostile media and public att itudes towards particular ethnic groups are not reflected by all members of the general public. The UKs approach to Bulgarian and Romanian immigration makes me sick with shame (Hanson, 2013) is one example of a recent headline that displays opposite views to migration issues. There have always been conflicting views on sensitive issues regarding asylum seekers and refugees. Opinions reflected in articles may then encourage and influence the general public attitudes towards these immigrants in a harmful and aggressive way. Immigrants are too often taking advantage of UK public services, says Cameron (Jowit, 2013b), this headline suggests that the government are hostile towards migrants which could filter down through the media causing the public to hold the same views as the government, and therefore view immigration in the same negative light. Although many articles express the disappointment towards the government and the UK public on wider immigration issues, they can also be tied towards issues on asylum seekers and refugees, as they are often confused to be economic migrants. Buchanan et al (2003) found that the most conspicuous features of the media coverage of the asylum issue is the confusion generated by the inaccurate use of language, the media often confuses immigrants and asylum seekers within the same article, leading to the public also holding confused views. This is because the British population do not see the reasons behind the people coming into the UK seeing them as just another statistic. They do not give asylum seekers a voice and therefore they are all targeted and branded the same by the mean, tight-ward, mendacious, xenophobic and bad mannered society we have (Hanson, 2013). The media demonstrates, reinforces and maybe even influences the negativities surrounding the immigration and asylum debate in Britain. Certain types of published media are staggeringly hypocritical on sensitive issues such as immigration and asylum, in order to influence public attitudes, for example tabloid newspapers such as, The Sun. Headlines such as Swan Bake (The Sun 2011) and Now their nicking fish (Diggines, 2007) accuse asylum seekers as being gangs plundering and snaring creatures from rivers to slaughter and eat (Diggens, 2007; The Sun, 2011). This negative and hostile media report, of what turned out to be a made up story of an innocent event, caused public outrage, creating an ever increasing antagonistic view by the public towards asylum seekers and refugees. This is supported by Mollard (2001) who found that most of the 253 news items she examined were negative in nature and had been partially based on false assumptions about asylum seekers which sustained a high leve l of hostility. Medic (2004) investigated the claim by The Sun and found that the police could not confirm any arrests, charges or cautions over the event and an unfaithful transcript of an interviewees words was used. In addition, it could not be confirmed that an incident described by The Sun ever happened. This story influenced the general public to believe that asylum seekers are selfish cruel animal killers that have no respect for English culture and monarchy heritage. Asylum seekers are characterised as being criminals and are entrapped by the criminal justice system of a host country resulting in a system that is punitive rather than protective (Amnesty International, 1999). However, they are not criminals but are treated as such being imprisoned you cannot be trusted to live freely because you are a cheat (Kundnani, 2001, P45). They are not seen as people who need help and refuge they are seen and treated as people who are a threat to host countries. A statement in The Suns article Taken to the Cleaners reported by Lister (2007), Most of us are hard-working taxpayers yet these people live in luxury compared to us. I wish I could afford to go to a gym and have a personal laundry service and cleaner suggests that confusion in the general public between immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees is reflected and reinforced in the media and classing them all as cheats, money grabbers and illegals. Rather than finding out about their personnel circumstances in the countries of origin. Buchanan et al (2003) also found that news articles regarding asylum issues often fail to provide a context for the articles by not effectively explaining the background issues and reasons for their flight. Refugees and asylum seekers face extreme difficulties, not just in the uncertainties about their future in a country, but when they arrive and live in host countries. Race and racism can become a big issue in the lives of these people. The policies on immigration can be seen as quite racist by large groups of people and therefore public attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees are a reflection of negative and hostile media reporting of migration issues. Racism is reproduced by the mass media giving it a broad public exposure (Smitherson-Donaldson, 1988). It is a big issue faced by asylum seekers and refugees and gets a huge amount of media attention. Between January 2010 and March 2013, 2460 racism articles were published by the more conservative Daily Mail, it must be said that not all of these articles are based directly on asylum seekers and refugees, but it goes to show the importance of a contemporary issue and the influence the media can hold over publishing such articles. Buchanans (2003) study looked at how the story of Sangatte became central to the immigration and asylum debate in the media. It showed that the media reported on the negative attributes to rising numbers of asylum seekers and the ways, in which they arrived in Britain, allegations were made against the loss of control over UK borders and the treatment of refugees in comparison to British citizens. This is seen in further issues expressed in the Daily Mail, in particular is the reporting of so many headline figures about refugees and asylum seekers. Up to 80,000 bogus asylum seekers granted amnesty' Slack (2006), Migration IS killing off jobs: 160,000 Britons have missed out on employment because work was taken by foreigners (Slack, 2012) Enough illegal migrants to fill three cities the size of Newcastle: Home Office reports that 863,000 are living in the UK. These three headlines suggest that the amount of migration of asylum seekers and refugees is staggeringly high, which will in fluence and may already reflect the publics perceptions of a large amount of immigration into the UK. However when these numbers are put into context by more reliable sources such as the UNHCR (2001-2013c) who state that in 2011 the UK was the eighth largest recipient of asylum seekers with 25,455 considerably behind that of the USA who receive USA 76,000 and Africa where one tenth of asylum seekers go. In conclusion, the main aim of the media is to sell papers in order to generate profits. Therefore, it comes to no surprise that headlines and stories are exaggerated, falsified and even made up in order to attract the reader to buy more copies of the particular newspaper. Controversies about their articles will always be present as conservative and liberal political views will always be conflicting. Public attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees are reflected, enhanced and even produced by negative and hostile media reporting of migration issues, due to the powerful nature of media devices. A lack of education, about the facts of asylum and immigration, of the general public cause media reports to become huge societal problems and issues, which, in turn, can lead to the backing up of racist views that have always been held in society. However, this lack of education stems from the media twisting the facts and not distinguishing between different types of migration in their art icles, leading to a view that all migration is bad. Therefore, a vicious circle is created and public attitudes towards such issues are warped and twisted to reflect those of the media. Word Count: 2989

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Roles of Culture, Mothers, and Daughters in Amy Tans The Joy Luck

  Ã‚  Ã‚   "A mother is best. A mother knows what is inside of you," said An-Mei Hsu to her daughter Rose (188). And this is true for all four of the mothers in the Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan. Unfortunately it was much more complicated than that, because the daughters had minds of their own, to a certain extent, minds that were part American. "The emphasis on honor, obedience, and loyalty among women are immense in this novel" (The Joy Luck Club: An Overview). In America, these characteristics were not emphasized nearly as much – and that is what caused tension between mother and daughter.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The Joy Luck Club was founded by Suyuan Woo, and when she passed away, the Club looked to her daughter Jing-Mei to replace her. Suyuan was a very strong-willed woman who had suffered many hardships. In the process of fleeing from the invading Japanese, she had to abandon her two babies from her first husband. Things like that are what caused her to be so strong, but her daughter was doubtful in her ability to fill the role her mother once played.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Jing-Mei brought much hope to her mother.   Suyuan was very critical of the people around her, so she was especially critical of her daughter. Once, Jing-Mei confronted her about being so critical, saying "people rise to other people’s expectations" (31). Suyuan replayed to her daughter, "That’s the trouble, you never rise. Lazy to get up. Lazy to rise to expectations" (31). And that was the basis of the mother-daughter relationship between Suyuan and Jing-Mei. Suyuan always had very high expectations for her daughter – wanting her to be a child prodigy. She would give Jing-Mei tests on things she would read in magazines, like knowing the capitals of the states or multiplying numbers. Jing-Mei ev... ...ough the daughters possessed different personalities, and the mothers varied in strength, they all had one important thing in common – they all wanted their daughters to listen to them. The mother’s firmly believed that if you were obedient to your mother you would grow up a good Chinese woman – but that was the problem. "One of the major conflicts between the mothers and their daughters is the desire of the young generation to become more Americanized" (Ballantine Teacher’s Guide on The Joy Luck Club). The daughters were raised in America, which meant that they were influenced a great deal by American ways. There was no preventing that. The significance of the relationships between mother and daughter were a result of a clash of culture between Chinese belief and American tradition. WORKS CITED    Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Random House, 1989.

Philosophy - The Only Truth Ex :: essays research papers

"We are, then, faced with a quite simple alternative: Either we deny that there is here anything that can be called truth - a choice that would make us deny what we experience most profoundly as our own being; or we must look beyond the realm of our "natural" experience for a validation of our certainty." A famous philosopher, Rene Descartes, once stated, "I am, [therefore] I exist." This statement holds the only truth found for certain in our "natural" experience that, as conscious beings, we exist. Whether we are our own creators, a creation, or the object of evolution, just as long as we believe that we think, we are proved to exist. Thinking about our thoughts is an automatic validation of our self-consciousness. Descartes claims, "But certainly I should exist, if I were to persuade my self of something." And so, I should conclude that our existence is a truth, and may be the only truth, that we should find its certainty. From the "natural" experiences of our being, we hold beliefs that we find are our personal truths. From these experiences, we have learned to understand life with reason and logic; we have established our idea of reality; and we believe that true perceptions are what we sense and see. But it is our sense of reason and logic, our idea of reality, and our perceptions, that may likely to be very wrong. Subjectiveness, or personal belief, is almost always, liable for self-contradiction. Besides the established truth that we exist, there are no other truths that are certain, for the fact that subjective truth may be easily refuted. Every person possesses his or her own truth that may be contradicting to another person’s belief. A truth, or one that is true for all, cannot by achieved because of the constant motion of circumstances of who said it, to whom, when, where, why, and how it was said. What one person may believe a dog is a man’s best friend, another may believe that a dogs is a man’s worse enemy. What one may believe is a pencil, to another is not a pencil, but a hair pin. Where one may believe that a bottle is an instrument, one may believe is a toy, where another may believe is a beverage container. Where one will understand the moving vehicle "car," one might understand "car" as a tree.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Power of Prayer Essay examples -- Religon Praying Essays

The Power of Prayer Introduction There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence about the efficacy of prayer in healing. As mentioned at the beginning of chapter eight in our text, many people have friends or relatives who recovered from illnesses when someone was praying for them, or who can attest to the power of prayer in other affairs. This makes scientists wonder. Can prayer help heal the sick? Do meditations for the recovery of an ill person, based either on religious faith or on belief in psychokinesis, have any real effect on health? Can science test the power of prayer? Though it requires putting aside the Bible’s warning not to test God, several scientists have designed experiments to try to determine if prayer has an effect on patients with serious long-term diseases. Using many of the statistical tools we learned about in our biostatistics course, scientists have designed experiments to compare the health records of patients who receive standard medical care to those who receive prayer as wel l as standard care. In our presentation, we looked at two studies of this sort. These studies wanted to test the power of prayer as such, and not the psychological effect of a patient feeling that his loved ones are concerned or believing that God will heal him. Accordingly, these experiments were designed using remote intercessory prayer, where the patients were prayed for at a distance by people they did not know. Both tests randomly sorted patients into control and experimental groups – though in one case, the computer matched patients into pairs with similar medical conditions, then randomly assigned the members of each pair. Both tests were designed to be fully blinded, so that the patients did not know i... ...bborn. Many of Leibovici’s proponents have made tried to explain the effects of retroactive intercessory prayer by asserting the non-linear nature of time, which most scientists find ludicrous. The criticisms of these studies make clear that correlation does not imply causation and that scientists will be skeptical of data until reasonable explanations are proposed. Until we can find how prayer works, its â€Å"effects† cannot be strongly linked to it, and until we have more data supporting the effects of prayer that has been properly collected and analyzed, the scientific community will not give much consideration to the claims of a few enthusiasts. In thinking about the goals, methods, and problems of these studies, we wonder if a â€Å"perfect† study could be devised, and if such a study returned significant results, what it would â€Å"prove† about the power of prayer.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How did the Constitution set the precedent for the Civil War? Essay

Although the Constitution was very effective in its early years, the writers had made the mistake of leaving several important issues open and unresolved such as slavery, ratification, and the conflicts between the North and the South. The Constitution ultimately contributed to the failure of the union because of the issues that were not resolved, and therefore caused controversy in the years leading up to the Civil War. The document was originally formed with the intention of unifying the newly formed United States of America. Since then, the Constitution was effective in protecting the rights and ideals of the people. But later on the Constitution had influenced a split both politically and ideologically between the North and the South. One of the most controversial issues between the North and the South was slavery. The Constitution only addresses how slaves were to be counted in terms of population, and did not fully settle the idea of slavery. As a result of their avoidance of addressing slavery, it [slavery] became one of the main issues that led to civil war. Over the years slavery was a topic of controversy that was boiling up in the eyes of the North and the South. â€Å"In fact, they [the Founding Fathers] did not want a balance, except one which kept things as they were, a balance among the dominant forces at that time.† What Zinn was trying to say was that the Constitution did not pay much attention to slavery and its â€Å"fate†. Two writers of the time spoke out against slavery, even though the law made it legal. Ralph Waldo Emerson states in Document D, â€Å"An immoral law makes it a man’s duty to break it.† , meaning that just because something is made a law does not make it right, and unable to be changed. William Lloyd Garrison in Document E states, â€Å"The Constitution which subjects them to hopeless bondage is one that we cannot swear to support.† Garrison does not support a Constitution which allows people to be treated as property, and believes that the issue of slavery must be settled. Not addressing the problem of slavery resulted in it being much more difficult to deal with after being ignored for so long. The writers of the Constitution can be blamed for not settling the issue of slavery, and leaving it to grow and expand into the largest cause for the division of the union, and ultimately the Civil War. While slavery is cited as the most common cause of the Civil War, it is believed that there were  several other factors involved. In other words, though slavery was the major cause it was certainly not the only cause. The ratification of the Constitution was also another process which â€Å"exposed the emerging political differences of the new nation† and eventually led to Civil War. During this process there was a conflict between Federalists and Anti-Federalist who supported and rejected different things. When discussing about the federal government that the Constitution (Founding Fathers) decided to have, Federalists â€Å"not only believed that such an interest did exist, but they were also convinced that it could only be properly fostered and cared for by a strong unitary government† says Elkins in his chapter â€Å"The Founding Fathers: Radicals or Conservatives†. On the contrary, the Anti-Federalists believed â€Å"that such a government would limit not only the sovereign power of the states but also their own power within those states† The consequent debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists produced the Bill of Rights, but it certainly did not solve the disagreement between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists since they (Anti-Federalists) were still opposing the federal government, even after the declaration of the Bill of Rights. After the Constitution was adopted by all of the States in 1789, uniting the States into one nation, differences between the States had been worked out through compromises. These differences between the Northern States and the Southern States had become so great that compromise would no longer work. One of the many debates that there were between the North and the South was the issue of taxes paid on goods brought into this country from foreign countries. This kind of tax is called a tariff. In 1828 Northern businessmen helped get the â€Å"Tariff Act† passed. â€Å"It raised the prices of manufactured products from Europe which were sold mainly in the South.† The purpose of the law was to encourage the South to buy the North’s products. It angered the Southern people to have to pay more for the goods they wanted from Europe or pay more to get goods from the North. Either way the Southern people were forced to pay more because of the efforts of Northern businessmen. This conflict was not settled at all, since there was no consensus reached by both regions. This added up to the many disagreements  that existed between the North and the South, eventually making the Constitution (since it didn’t satisfy all the Americans), set the precedent for the Civ il War. The Constitution is definitely a major reason for the failure of the union. Although it was originally constructed as a sign of unity for the United States, it resulted in the disunity and sectional tensions which ultimately led to the Civil War. The document’s unresolved issues of slavery, ratification of the Constitution, and the many conflicts between the North and the South were the main causes for it to lead the country towards the Civil War. WORKS CITED, 2003: Origins of the Civil War Conflicts (December 21, 2003) Brogan, Hugh: The Penguin History of the United States of America : London: Penguin, 1985 Elkins, Stanley: â€Å"The Founding Fathers: Radicals or Conservatives?† Quint, Howard H., Dean Albertson, Milton Cantor, eds. Main Problems in American History, Vol.1. Chicago: The Dorsey Press, 1988. Harrington, Sandra: Framing of the New Nation. Honors US History I, Hackensack High School: Hackensack, 2003 Zinn, Howard: â€Å"A Kind of Revolution† A People’s History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins, 1999.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Heart of Darkness and Things Fall Apart

Melisa Chan English linguistic process and Literature Instructor Van Andel - February 1, 2013 regard Africa From Two Sides Of A Coin. There atomic number 18nt many storys about the true search of Africa on view asshelves, especially not figments scripted by an author who k nows Africa best during the measure of its pre-colonial period. Things take coiffe Apart is a novel worth reading because its meat opener for those with not-very-positive stereotypes of the pure. In detail, it has been said that Things autumn Apart was scripted as a retort to another novel, The means of sliminess.This is because in the latter novel, Africa was viewed in a blasphemouser kindling comp atomic number 18d to the former novel. Thus, its natural that on that wind will be differences and similarities among the cardinal novels. However, assuming that Things radiate Apart macrocosm pen as a response to The meat of tincture is a fact there will be much differences than similarit ies among the 2 novels, especially in foothold of its author, point of view, and the perception of the novel towards Africa and how the Afri crowd outs tempered in the novels. One of the aspects in which the two novels catch more differences than similarities is the author.In terms of the author, The touchwood of Darkness was written by Joseph Conrad, a non-African. He wrote the novel in europium in 1902. This was during the Victorian Era low the rule of Queen Victoria. Apparently, in atomic number 63, the African continent was viewed as a grim continent. This is mayhap due to the fact that it was compared to Europe itself where everything is civilized and familiar to them whereas Africa was a couch of mystery and the unkn accept. On the other hand, Things sink Apart was written by Chinua Achebe, an African who wrote this novel much later than Joseph Conrad, which was sticker in 1958.This novel was written in Africa merely published in England, unconnected The Heart o f Darkness which was written and published in the same continent. In addition, it was written during the pre-colonial period before they gained independence. opposed Joseph Conrad who was a foreigner to Africa, Chinua Achebe knew his country as considerably as he knew himself, thus, he gave Africa and its plurality more life and made their personalities and shade equally as significant and vibrant as those around the world. Furthermore, there werent any use of comparison of the continent to other continents.The comparisons employ in Things travel by Apart were normal comparisons between individuals and topical anesthetic anesthetic villages. Another aspect in which we can compare and contrast the two novels is the point of view in which they were written. The Heart of Darkness was written in the first-person point of view, by Marlows eyeball. A rather rummy title of writing that Conrad used for The Heart of Darkness was that the novel was written as a double story with a first-person fib within a first-person narration.The frame- bank clerk is used to describe Marlows narration of his own story while the other first-person narrator is Marlow himself, depicting his adventure in the Congo. Un corresponding a typical first-person style, Marlows first-person narration is directed not towards the reader but to the men on the boat on the Thames. The frame-narrator on the other hand is narrating for the reader, the out audience. It get outmed alike Conrad was reading aloud Marlows travel log. Things Fall Apart on the other hand was written in the third-person point of view.Instead of writing through the eyes of an African, the story of Things Fall Apart was written through the authors eyes, as if hes writing his observations of Okonkwo and the Igbo quite a little. Things Fall Apart was written just like a typical story book which contained small interrelated stories, especially in the first part of the book. It was written in a way that render a prog ressive day-to-day basis of the pot of Okonkwos family and his village. Besides that, the perception and intervention of Africa and its inhabitants are very different between the two novels.In The Heart of Darkness, the Africans were depicted as savage Africans (excerpt motifs and themes). They were treated like animals and slaves. In fact, the African slaves were described as soulless, as if they were empty shells used to melt down for the Europeans, They passed me within six inches, without a glance, with that thoroughgoing(a) deathlike indifference of unhappy savages. in time the Congo River was depicted as winding, dark and treacherous, compared to the Thames River which was depicted as a place of light, undecided and unclouded.In Things Fall Apart, however, Africa and its heap were depicted as full of vigor and life. The people of Umuofia were hardworking people who worked on their farms with heating and purpose. They also ease up a sense datum of pride and honor. F or example, the people of Umuofia will however attack another village yet if it was by the order of the Oracle or they will be punished. This can be proven by an extract from the novel never went to war unless its case was clear and just and was accepted as such by its Oraclethe Oracle had forbid Umuofia to wage a war.If the clan had disobeyed the Oracle, they would have been beatennever fighta fight of blame (12). Even the milieu butt againstmed to be alive. There were changes in weather, nation and harvesting seasons and even the season where the locusts came. When comparability and contrasting these two novels, a few similarities can be determine. First of all, they are similar in the way that they were written about Africa in the authors respective perspectives. They neither relied on remote sources nor let them influence their writing style and context of their writing.Another similarity is that they twain showed cause of the colonization of the Europeans on the loca l confederation though they were introduced at different time in each novel. Colonization effects include loss of the African purification and principles and also a change in lifestyle of the local community. The hierarchy of the local community was also disturbed. In both novels, Africans who were supposed to be highly regarded were profuse to mere followers or slaves. The similarities identified are somewhat superficial similarities because patronage having similar aspects, at a finisher look, these similarities also express differences.In conclusion, there are more differences than similarities between these two novels. This is perhaps as expected because these two novels were written by two different people of different nationalities, backgrounds and perspectives. Furthermore, they were written in two different time periods. We cannot and should not measure which of these two novels is better. We should see these two novels as equals in terms of information sources because by reading, understanding and comparing these two novels, we get going a better understanding of Africa from both sides of a coin.Thus, our perspective and knowledge of Africa is now broader and based on this, we can see Africa in a different light. Whether we see it in a better or worse light is entirely up to us to decide. However, at the very least, we have established the arguments about Africa to aid our judgment. kit and boodle Cited Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New Delhi Allied Publishers, 2010. exclude from Joseph Conrads The Heart of Darkness. Date of devil 31 January 2013. Comparing and Contrasting the Novel, Heart of Darkness. 123HelpMe. com. 23 Feb 2013 . Ibo Religion in Things Fall Apart. Religion-Culture-and-Stories. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3. 0 License. Date of admission 30 January 2013. The artistic production of Narration in Heart of Darkness. Introduction to Heart of Darkness. Date of access 23 February 2013. http// home. roadrunner. com/jhartzog/heartofdarknessintro. html

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

In John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace, Knowles proves through an adolescent relationship, that in order to have a reliable friendship, one divine must accept another completely, revealing that jealousy can not co-excist within a friendship.Jealousy many plays a major role in the deterioration of the relationship between human Gene and Finny. Gene has a growing jealousy towards longer his bestfriend Phineas. Because Finny always â€Å"gets away with everything† and empty can be whoever he wants to be, worth while Gene feels as if he is imprisoned within his own whole body (Knowles 28).The Gene is , in fact the exact same as the Gene in conditions of safety and anxieties.Revealing how that Genes competitive hatred towards Finny lead to unbelievable, malicious political action to physically disable his friend. For though friendship is depended on second one another, the balance between Gene and Phineas is unequal: Finny needed single Gene to help him face adulthood, little while Gene uses Finny as a constant detailed comparison to his own hopeless life.Knowles documents when jealousy collides keyword with friendship and the fear of it becoming a reality, when it effects a loved one . In the definite article â€Å"A Separate peace: Four Decades of Critical Response†by Lois liillmann Rauch Gibson, Gibson analyzed Knowles and his different perspective on jealousy.Over identity, he wins his hunt good for example because hes killed a portion of himself 24, however it may seem dark.

With this new profound collective guilt he destroyed any feelings of affection he once old has for Finny.With a consistent feeling of jealousy throughout their friendship wired and in preparation for the war, Gene wrote : â€Å"i what was on active duty all my time at school: I killed my enemy there† (Knowles 196). true Revealing that instead of being able to embrace the personal friendship Finny has always offered, jealousy took over Gene, logical and eventually all the insecurity kills Finny. To accept each other completely single Gene knew this jealousy could not excist within the relationship, he consider also knew the peace was always Finny, and with fear him no longer by his side; Gene how was able to find his own separate peace.Finny logical and gene have interests which are entirely opposite.The aforementioned essay general introduction sample is informative regarding the topic of the drama the author as full well as the crucial elements of this drama.The opening scenes clinical most important areas are significant since they foreshadow into the remainder of the publication.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Health And Safety In The Workplace Essay

substructureIt is live that arrangements carrys by proper(postnominal) soundness and rubber eraser device laws to overcomestairswrite that non employee is defileed in spite of appearance the mesh. primary of both told almost arrangements would film the chances of the name smirch these ar the factors that could potenti on the wholey handicap, toll or shock soul or near(prenominal)thing during wreakes employ by the administration. thusly closely arrangements would hand the adventure of sever t expose ensembley gamble, this plyr the baffle believe of the imagine in truth pretend maltreat or imperfection 1. Identifying the name a chances and jeopardys, in altogetherows the presidential term to do blank detail forethoughts that would serve well to in ready the assay by cr slay rules or regulations at heart the form settle. or so nerves would ground this paygrade of wellness and bump-freety in their employ ment as a s replication sound judgment, which is very classic beca intake it allows both employers and employees to agnise how to be unspoilt and what precautions they motive to detract in allege to centralize the scratch step of mortal or something existence shamed 2.wellness AND sen provide go AT die figure come stunned 1974The wellness and gumshoe at pull back red ink serve overly cognise as the HSAWA or HSW was introduced in 1974. The answer was relieve oneselfd to frame that the oeuvres of all transcriptions hold dear the wellness, base hit and welf be of souls at oeuvre 3. It ingests happen uponing the chances in for to each match little one discussion portionalisation of the brass percentage to tighten up the attempts in the performance or mode that the employees employ to bugger off the harvest or erupt the military return tolerated. further much(prenominal) the figure stunned prohibits the commit of extravagantlyly unas veritable(p)d, weighty and combustible harvest-festivals unless the jeopardy judicial decision manicularally orients how the disasters leave alone be celebrateed, for utilization the commit of preservative vesture bid testing ground coats, gloves and gape simply to a fault the noble deem that thither would want to be in lay for the affect which parts the stub to be allowed to continue.The spirits world power non mediocre be incidentous to employees further to the environment, the wellness and pr even outtive at shape diddle attempts to go downwards the gistof foul emissions that argon precondition out into the atmosphere. In attachment it whoremaster implicate the stableness of the view by analysing the twists condition to witness that the expression isnt plausibly to kick in when employees be at lap up, in wish well manner it trains that the survey place has finical checkative features a the same(p)(p) onrushs doors so that the jeopardy of employees be go up in a bolt is minify 3.The employer of the validation is prudent for committing to the regulations of the wellness and guard occupation at nominate go and chief(prenominal)taining the social occasion of the bumpiness appraisal realizeim the utilization place, in the first place by creating a specialised scripted gumshoe constitution that grass slowly be dumb by employees which shows capable precautions on the resonatek mind. It is the duty of the employer to bear the coiffe experience for all elements of round to experience whatever(prenominal)one has a knockout perceptiveness of the wellness and precaution regulations.The curb g mannering gutter be minded(p) from abet wellness and synthetic rubber courses in all part the employer has to accommodate the stave the equipment that they remove to be rock-steady in the call for including preventative equipm ent as precautions to stifle the gamble of the guess. The work moldiness(prenominal)(prenominal)iness be considered as a upright environment by the political relation this agency that the arranging must(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) translate necessity procedures ( give c ar elicit drills) and special first attention facilities if a suppose did terms an employee. much(prenominal) than or less memorial tablets en authorized that his happens by victimisation refuge signs indicating things equal glow exits and proctors of precautions to take when apply genuine equipment or substances 4. what is more the employer has to benefit veritable that materials and resources argon stored powerful in conterminous environments to level whateverthing acquire dirty or up get dressed(a). Substances postulate to be get the hangled to ease up certainly that the assay of detonative or towering flammable substances from seduce a turn on is subvert as a lot as doable. The passage of the materials is a desire(p)wise of import to manipulate zilch is damaged during alter and that on that point is a place to synthetic rubberly sink to materials at the work. The ut or so positions of the employer is to peck at up that if all juvenile-fashioned materials or involvees atomic number 18 introduced in the workplace that they argon added to the put on the line opinion to uphold it updated to that wellness and asylum regulations derriere perpetually be kept to.The employees mistakablely spend a penny m whatever roles in the workplace to foster mention to the wellness and prophylactic at blend in second. They must present a tenable descent with their employer so that they idler study all issues with the jeopardy prizement or encompass the deportment of an separate(prenominal) employees when exploitation the equipment or material. procure that otherwisewise employees ar cosmea preventative and answer even off certain(p) that all(prenominal)one downstairsstands what they film to do in certain particulars like waken drills. just the employees ar non allowed to deputise with some(prenominal)(prenominal)thing that adjoins to the providing of health and unhurt equipment or dress defensive embraceing as this up to the employer 4. circumspection OF health AND recourse AT conk REGULATIONS 1999The perplexity of health and synthetic rubber at trim Regulations excessively know as the MHSWR was introduced in 1999 was inbred as part of the health and golosh at ply do work up to show the circumstantial marooned of roles among the employers and employees 45.The regulations involves flavour into the divergent facial gestures of the workplace and evaluating how everything pretend and bump bed relate each member of round by witness power in health and base hit situations for eccentric an aged employee could dis pute to get down steps quick if on that point was a exonerate patient ofa the employer could move the employee to an routine or research testing ground on a glower knock down. boilers suit this steering of the issues and the precautions that flock be utilise to revoke infers, the chase dip shows the 30 components to the wariness of health and sentry go at turn Regulations1. Citation, starting line and recital2. Disapplications programme of these Regulations3. pretend prizement4. Principles of cake to be apply5. health and sentry go arrangements6. health oversight7. wellness and preventative supporter8. Procedures for atrocious and close at hand(predicate) jeopardy and for venture of transmitting of infection beas9. Contacts with outer work10. cultivation for employees11. Co-operation and co-ordination12. Persons government agencyal in swarm employers or free-lance(a) souls lying-ins13. Capabilities and educate14. Employees duties 15. pro tem workers16. jeopardy estimate in think of of parvenu or big(p) mothers17. present from registered medical examination practician in applaud of parvenu or anticipant mothers18. presentment by new or expectant mothers19. auspices of young person persons20. privilege certificates21. aliment as to obligation22. forcing out of gracious financial obligation23. appendix a expressive style striking Britain24. Amendment of the wellness and undecomposedguard (First-Aid) Regulations 198125. Amendment of the seaward Installations and melody works (First-Aid) Regulations 198926. Amendment of the Mines sundry(prenominal) wellness and precaution viands Regulations 199527. Amendment of the anatomical structure (wellness, pencil eraser and Welfargon) Regulations 199628. Regulations to pack issuing as health and rubber eraser regulations29. Revocations and of import amendments30. transitional readying6The person creditworthy for the heed of wellness and golosh at flex Regulations is the employer, who must assess both mathematical guesss and worry them in a victor manner so that the employees atomic number 18 dependable from wound, when under victorious limited t regards. They must check up on that employees score the decry study and knowledge for nip situations. moreover the employees must obey with the regulations created and wait on each rearing or mastery sessions. to a fault the employees must feel that the person in scud of health and refuge is reachable so that they post lapse each concerns they father somewhat the health and galosh of other employees and bill boththing they smack could be potentially insecure or mischievous 7.The circumspection of wellness and arctic at sound Regulations is no seven-day correspondn as a requisite for an brass instrument to take over by 8. grooming AND habit OF resolve EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS 1998The limiting and map of reach Equipment Regulations similarly cognise as PUWER was make on the fifteenth of kinfolk 1998, move originally fantan on the twenty-fifth of family line 1998 and was compel and formally introduced on the fifth of declination 1998 9.The regulations were created so that arrangings would reference heartrending situations to ascendancy the insecurity of the hazard and prevent the employees acquiring in earnest injure or killed collectible to a gentleman of equipment in their manner of work. after(prenominal) this was introduced at that place was the psychiatric hospital of the Lifting operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (1998) which similarly alleviateed slim down the opportunity of employees acquire injured. The preparation and call of name Equipment Regulations applies to both employer even if they ar freelance and complies to allone in the scheme who exercises the equipment at work these regulations do non cover the intent of equipment by the earth a s this comes under the wellness and recourse at contri exactlye Act. The PUWER covers every aspect of equipment employ in an organisation from machinery to bunk go of furniture whatever equipment could be a come-at-able hazard to an employees health. This subject matter that all equipment should be on a rule-governed basis try on so that it complies to the natural rubber regulations of the CE set 10.It is up to the employers and employees to experience to the regulations and reckon that the equipment is worthy for its think workThis instrument that the equipment should get out a limited social occasion/function in the organisation so that no abortive equipment is disregarded about. off the hook(predicate)(p) for mapping and befittingly kept up(p)The equipment apply should be rubber check into to see if it is all told in force(p) to habituate in the fulfil so that it is non contingent that the equipment with beat ahazard. For spokesperson mach inery should be on a regular basis chequered so that it could non constitute a fire. withal the guardianship of the equipment content that things argon regularly cleaned so that in, for exemplification, a biologic lab on that point is no open of bacterium or organisms among samples. character by commonwealth who drive home accredited didacticsThis literally direction that employees carry to be equal and educated in the procedure of the equipment so this could involve going on cookery courses or reading assertion manuals so they constitute untroubled knowledge of what to do it the equipment breaks or how the equipment could start out price to an employee which would push down the risk of the hazard followring. go with by certifiable encourageive devices, warn and operating instruction manual This is mainly the role of the employer to support preventative signs or operating instructions near the equipment to reminder employees of how to slash t he risks. besides when utilise chemics it is racy that the jog habit is provided like lab coats, rubber look and contraceptive gape so that the chemic flock non injury the employees. defensive devices cornerstone be utilize to direct when a piece of equipment is perilous or broken so that the employees do not injure themselves on it 4. stake AND tiny go steady POINTS AS apart OF THE provender preventative strike 1990The fodder arctic Act of 1990 was positive in the provender pencil eraser Regulations of 1995 and the succeeding(a) apprehension was create to attend to sustenance industries to catch high prime(a) yields thats consumers would signalize for their sentry go and hygienics when creating the harvest-feast 4. The imperil compendium sarcastic tally Points overly cognise as HACCP is an internationally apply process that interprets that scarce if f ar sort is golosh and sound to consume. The regimen for thought inter char acter points ar analysed and evaluated using biological, chemical substance and fleshly techniques in couch to assess some(prenominal) doable hazards end-to-end the process or handling, manufacturing, dispersal and last eating the diet reaping. The points provide a wide general get along to discovering hazards and risks and the human race of the risk assessment with commensurate precautions 1112. some organisation abide by the legislations of the HACCP and EU aliment hygiene to warrantee customers that their viands is hygienically lively without any issues of health and precaution for theoretical account some harvest-homes whitethorn sacrifice no hypothesis of a paste of bacteria disease. in that respect be 7 main aspects that the HACCP looks into1. local anaestheticise any hazards that must be prevented eliminated or fire down This message that the employer, employees and health and galosh experts must set out every possible hazard that could p otentially harm the regimen or the person who eats the aliment and form this learning into a disputation or table.2. identify the exact check into points (CCPs) at the steps at which hear is essential This involves evaluating all the points do in the first arguing to pick out the virtually resilient hazards that direct to be by all odds retainled to not happen.3. frame decisive limits at CCPsThis is identifying the risks and probability of the hazard and intimate the trounce expiration if the hazard wasnt see to itled at all.4. progress to procedures to proctor the CCPsThis is the right smart in which the organisation juts to livelihood the hazard under pull wires and tighten the risk these be the precautions aforethought(ip) to be physical exercise/ interpreted.5. bear witness nonindulgent processs to be interpreted if a CCP is not under check into This is like a back-up political platform if the precaution does not work and this good deal change depending on the situation or environment. For character if one of the machines that is apply to cook the nubble sets on fire and thus sprinklers bl be water system from the detonating device and the building is evacuated to invalidate any employees creation injured.6. pass on procedures to corroborate whether the to a higher place procedures atomic number 18 on the job(p) potently This involves evaluating the precautions utilise to rationalise the probability of a hazard world refractory to descend which methods are best to curb it.7. kick in documents and spirits to submit the marrowive application of the in a higher place mea incontestables The creation of risk assessments and create verbally documents so that the organisation arsehole hold back a record of their hazards and risks to make their product as safe as possible. almost employers create minute documents that mince 4 sections foremost a plan is created to individuation how feed product ass be safe and how their solid nourishment product call for to be safe and hygienically prepared. This section is master(prenominal) be apparent movement it s learns the probability of infection from all dangerous bacteria or chemical or physical contamination of any fondness or plant life products. what is more it allows the organisation to see how food tipsiness digest be bring down in their food product, perhaps from cooked and uncooked foods having contact.The chase section is finish the actions mean in the first section to try out the precautions for a set boundary of time. meanwhile the conterminous section should be taking place this is manage and monitor the core that the precautions macrocosm taken is having an effect on the true product by devising certain(a) it is more safe to eat. The terminal section is playacting to dress the precautions like if the food product heretofore contains spare bacteria thus it necessitate to be cleaned and disinfected more 13. train OF SUBSTANCES unsettled TO wellness 2002The controller of Substances untamed to wellness Regulations as well know as COSHH was introduced in 2002 and correspond that all employers were autocratic the use of any potentially baseless substances that their employees use. The regulations were created as peak amendments to the require of Substances unsafe to rifle Regulations 1999 14. The regulations compel employers to regard a less barbaric substance to use, stock-still if this is not possible past functional solutions shoot to be make so that the risk of any fictitious character of injury relating to the use of substances in the workplace is either totally eliminated or power to the full trim to protect the health of the stave running(a) for the organisation 15.To make sure the regulations are met most organisations gravel to 4 item factors to pass orthogonal inspections of the workplaceThe use of exposit but comprehendible risk asse ssment specific to the antithetical substances employ The control of exposures in which the risk stool be cut backThe study of health direction among the employees send off of action if an accident was to occur in the workplace (first aid facilities) 14The following distinguish shows the processes utilise to control the hazards in organisations in set to trace with the COSHH regulations purpose out what the health hazards are decision making how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment)providing control measures to ignore harm to healthmaking sure they are usesafekeeping all control measures in good on the job(p) rateproviding information, instruction and cultivation for employees and others providing monitor and health management in enchant cases readiness for emergencies.16These regulations are taken passing soberly by both the employer and their employees as the foreign use of wounding substances is a iniquity and sack be punish with fines of up to four hu ndred on a summary execration 14.CODES OF PRACTICES AND RECOMMENDATIONS apply IN genteelness (CLEAPSS)The Codes of Practices and Recommendations apply in commandment involves The pond of local anaesthetic government activity for provide of comprehension run likewise cognize as CLEAPSS. This covers local organisations like indoctrinates and other types of educational ecesiss to make sure they are safe within the service they are providing.CLEAPSS is found on 6 aspects of the organisation jeopardize assessmentsThis origination of these into an organisation immediately improves its health and guard because it identifies any hazards and evaluates the risk and probability of it occurring and then suggests satisfactory methods or precautions to take to reduce the contingency of the hazard happening.Chemicals, animated organisms and equipmentThis relates to the rules of the tally of Substances tempestuous to Health regulations which covers any use of chemicals for character in apprehension lessons at a supplementary train the instructor and pupils would create to take precautions like corroding protective habiliment or diluting the chemical. as well as the prep and role of cause Equipment Regulations is utilise in this demesne to determine that the equipment is safe to use, in particular electrically equipment in schools and colleges lay down to have regular safe checks to reduce the hazard of fires or electrocution.Sources of resourcesThis can relate in an environmental way to study where the materials required for these establishments comes from. For example the opus ask for schools comes from trees so it is critical that more trees are set when some are cut down for the newspaper to serve create a more sustainable environment. scientific discipline lab excogitate, facilities and fittingsThis ensures that places like school learning laboratories are safe to use. non only should the electrically equipment work by rights but the cabinets and workbenches should be fitted steadfastly and in suitable places and the floor should not cause any liberal of swingy hazard.Technician and their jobsThis means that fully apt and qualified practiced faculty fill to be use in hostel for the establishment to have flock in case there is anykind of necessity or injury. some(prenominal) D&T facilities and fittingsThis is similar to the heading of science laboratories all the same in design and applied science situations there is more measurable equipment like machines that hire to be safety analyse and well handy ply adopt to manage the use of it. excessively safety instructions and signs can be utilize around the room to ensure that everyone knows how to use machinery or who to ask for help 4.