Thursday, August 8, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 9

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Now it is confirmed by scientific world that a phenomenon called â€Å"Global warming† is destroying earth slowly. Global warming is a process happened due to the manipulation of strong law of nature which had led to a huge problem which could be the destruction of life on earth sooner or later. (Thesis). Global warming is new to the population of 21st century .The environment may well be the gut issue that can unify a polarized nation in the 1970s. It may also divide people who are appalled by the mess from those who have adapted to it. Here we can see that, it is in the 21st century that people realized the great aftermath of environmental pollution. In 20th century, only intellectuals, scientist and anthropologist predicted environmental disaster as they have the mental potentiality to vision the future. But the men of this age did not experience any threat from nature due to the industrial revolution. Now â€Å"Global warming† is not an unfamiliar words to many but it can be briefly explained to get a better understanding of the process. The global warming is not an instant event but a reaction of nature to a century old industrialization and exploitation of nature. When the earth’s surface temperature rises due to the emission of green house gases the phenomenon is called global warming. Here, the main culprit is the carbon – dioxide emission.The use of fossil fuels, cattle breeding, industrial activities are the main activities which emits carbon – dioxide. This accompanied by pollution, deforestation and natural resource exploitation add to the negative effect. When one thinks of global warming the phrase which comes into mind is that â€Å"nature don’t take leaps†. It is a fact that â€Å"nature don’t take leaps† but act on a slow basis. Gradually, as people entered the 21st century, the global environmental threat like global warming and rising of sea level

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