Sunday, September 8, 2019

English paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English paper - Essay Example She has little brown eyes with curly dark eyelashes. She is smiling wide with glittery white teeth. Queen Latifah is also wearing a pair of gold round earrings on her ears. To make it more attractive, the words† Covergirl† runs across her forehead in bold green letters. In the right hand corner, the words Queen Latifah are written in green letters below. The photo is small from the head to the shoulders just sufficient for the people to see the Covergirl products. Queen Latifah’s clothes and the Covergirl product appear to be of the same color, olive green. She has her hair in a long ponytail. The advertisement succeeds in using logos, ethos and pathos to lure the viewers in buying the products. The first tactic is using logos to make the viewer think about the Covergirl products. Covergirl say that their products are tailored for women of all types of skins and all ethnic backgrounds. The ad claims that the product they are promoting, Covergirl mascara is fade proof, waterproof and ignore-proof. They claim the product has been in existence for a long time and is continually growing and maturing diversely. They say the product is faseproof to mean that the product will remain on the skin no matter how long it is worn in a day. It also weathers sweat and tears. The waterproof quality is meant to lure those who would want the makeup to remain even after rain or a swim session. When they say ignore-proof, they mean that the product will leave your skin looking beautiful like that of Queen Latifah. They have ensured to catch all the aspects of what of what people look for in mascara. The buyers have been guaranteed that the mascara will not fade, wash away or not grab attention . Another appeal that they have employed to lure the buyers is ethos. The ad has featured one of the most popular people in actresses. She must be a big mover of the company’s products. Covergirl wants the customer to have the idea that

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